Kelsey Aida

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The Top 3 Money Blocks That Are Holding You Back

Manifesting money can feel much more challenging than manifesting other experiences.

Free Starbies at the drive-through - easy to manifest.

Great parking spot at Target - also easy to manifest.

Millionaire status so we can outpace hyperinflation - HARD TO MANIFEST.

Why does money seem so much harder to manifest than other things?

Well, I’ll tell you why...

When it comes to other stuff, we don’t have a lot of resistance about it. But when it comes to momey we hold all kinds of charged stories, beliefs, and lies about ourselves and money that we ultimately hinder our relationship with it. Causing us to subconsciously not let more in, or worse, push it all away once we get it!

Here are some of the most common ones I see as a Transformation Facilitator and Manifestation Coach.

Any of these sound familiar?

#1. "Money is only for other people, but not me."

Otherwise known as "the worthiness block". If you don't feel deserving, you will never let more money in.

But the real question is; What makes other people so much more deserving than you?

Even if they were truly "better" in some way (which they aren't), money doesn't care about that! Money doesn't care if you're mean or nice, generous or not, good-looking or ugly.

Money is simply a resource that we are all entitled to.

Just like the birds are entitled to eat the seeds, the bears are entitled to feast on the fish, and the flowers are entitled to raindrops and sunshine.

Do you think a bear stops to wonder "Hmmm... Do I really deserve to eat all this Salmon? Maybe I shouldn't. I don't know if it's really for me. What about all the other bears? What will they eat?"

No! Absolutely not, because bears are not ridiculous. They don't question the resources that were provided for them. They accept the abundant nature of this planet.

You should too.

#2. “I can't make the kind of money I want in my line of work."

Can you know for SURE that this is absolutely 100% true? Is it true that not one single soul in your industry makes good money?

Or is it just that you need to work for a different company that values your work more?

Or, if you work for yourself, maybe it's a matter of changing your offerings, your angle, your prices, or your branding.

And who said you had to make money doing what you're already doing anyway?!

Ever heard of a side hustle, a million-dollar idea, a joint venture, multiple streams of income, or investing..? I mean, there have truly never been more ways to make money.

Why limit yourself to just one?

#3. “I suck at managing money, so why even bother?"

When you feel like you're no good at managing your finances, you know deep down, that no amount of money will fix this problem.

So why go for more?

You feel like YOU are the problem.

But the problem isn't you, it's your approach. And typically, this detrimental financial approach comes from a lack mentality.

When you feel like you won't have another opportunity to buy something that seems so rare, you splurge.

When you have anxiety that life is short and you can't "take it with you anyway", you end up spending it all.

When you don't feel unconditional love from friends and family you overextend a helping hand and leave yourself with nothing.

There are many ways this can manifest, but know that habits can be changed, boundaries can be reinforced, and discipline can be learned!

There is hope.

Resources to help you manifest more money

In order to overcome limiting beliefs like these you need to learn how to identify these blockages within yourself and then, most importantly, how to clear them for good so they no longer hold you back!

Luckily, I’ve already created the perfect program to help you do this and so much more when it comes to money manifesting. If you’re ready to manifest your next level of wealth and say bye-bye to financial frustration, The Money Magnetics Mastercourse is for you.

Join me inside to finally align with the frequency of financial abundance and leave the lack story behind.

Happy money manifesting! 💸

Become a money magnet with this FREE Guided Meditation!