Kelsey Aida

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The Ultimate List of Law of Attraction Resources

Welcome to the ultimate list of my favorite Law of Attraction online resources!

It's the ultimate list not because of it's size, but because of it's value. These are some of my all-time favorite places to go to learn about manifesting and the L.O.A. Not to mention, I learned a lot (*cough-cough, pretty much all) of what I know now from these resources and teachers.

I should also note that they are in no particular order because I like them all for different reasons. (Although, the fact that Abraham Hicks is first on this list is no coincidence.) Enjoy!

P.S. I do plan on constantly adding to and updating this list so be sure to bookmark this page and subscribe to my email list so you can stay in the loop as it grows and evolves!

Abraham Hicks

Abraham Hicks is the number one Law of Attraction teacher that I follow (and practically worship). Pretty much everything I know about the Law of Attraction, I learned from Abraham. The way they explain the Law of Attraction makes perfect sense to me in every way. I've read almost all their books and listened to practically every workshop on youtube and I suggest you do the same! My dream is to go on one of their cruises and visit a workshop live so if you wanna come, you're invited!

Jessica Dimas- Dwell in Magic

I found Jessica's blog on Pinterest and was hooked ever since I read her article Three Ways the Law of Attraction Works Just Like Your Instagram Feed. Her and I have extremely similar thoughts and teachings when it comes to the Law of Attraction because we are both basically Abraham Hicks disciples! (Or at least that's what we like to think of ourselves as.) She writes a lot about the Law of Attraction, but her other main focus is sacred self-care. She also has an awesome book and some worksheets to help you manifest magic!

Manifesting Cheat Sheet

This is a free worksheet that I created for all my V.I.P blog readers (that’s you!) that’s specifically designed to help you get clear about what you want so you can start aligning with it! It’s super fun, simple, and printable. #yay This is literally the first thing I do whenever I want to manifest anything new because it’s the manifesting process that works. Try it out and see for yourself!

Click here to download the free “Manifesting Cheat Sheet”!

The Big Life with Carl Harvey

Carl Harvey is probably one of my favorite humans on this planet despite the fact that I haven't personally met him... yet! Hah! He has a HUGE personality and tons of energy, so it's fitting that his online show is called The Big Life. Every week he interviews an L.O.A. teacher (usually some sort of millionaire) and the focus typically revolves around manifesting more money so you can live a big life! So if you've got money on your mind, this is the show for you.

Hay House Radio

If you haven't heard of Hay House yet, it's a big spiritual book publishing company, but they have also created an empire of high-vibe content. Hay House Radio is their online radio station where different authors and teachers have shows about spiritual stuff. Now, only some of it is about the Law of Attraction and sometimes it does get pretty "woo woo", but it's a great place to start if you want to live a more spiritual lifestyle. Especially if you spend a lot of time in the car!

Gabby Bernstein

Gabby Bernstein is a spiritual vlogger and author who teaches a lot about manifesting and the Law of Attraction. You can browse through all her short videos or read any of her books, either way, you'll learn lots of down to earth techniques and practices to help get you to where you want to be. What I love about her is how actionable her advice is! You won't just leave with something to think about, you'll know exactly what to do. She even has some free manifesting mediations right now! (You can find them by scrolling down a little on the home page.)

Neville Goddard- Feeling is the Secret

Neville Goddard is an OG Law of Attraction teacher. He was writing books about the Law of Attraction before it was cool, in the 1900's. They are pretty short and to the point which is part of what makes them so brilliant. You can read them for free here. The title says it all... Feeling is the Secret. Sound familiar? ;)

Apply the Law of Attraction

I'm kinda new to this one, so I can't tell you too much about it except that Jessica Dimas recommended it to me and it looks pretty cool. Although, I will say I find all the ads to be annoying and distracting the content is good. And they even have a list of recommended Law of Attraction books and a big list of Law of Attraction resources!

Sarah Prout- Manifest Your Desires

Sara Prout is an awesome Law of Attraction teacher who's blog is exclusively about manifesting! Basically, she used to be sad and poor until she started using the Law of Attraction and now she's lives a life of happiness and abundance and shares how she did it with the world! Pretty cool huh? She also has a whole course on manifesting that's definitely worth looking into.

Thoughts Become Things

What if you could get daily encouraging notes from The Universe designed to remind you of your personal power over your life? Well you can at! Mike Dooley writes beautiful personalized notes called Notes from The Universe that inspire and empower you to live up to your creative abilities. They are awesome and I love them. Oh, and did I mention it's free? Here's where you can sign up!

Lucky Lady 711

The thing I love about this fun blog by the lovely Kathleen, aka "Lucky Lady", is that she shares a lot of her personal experiences with the Law of Attraction. I would describe the blog more like a personal L.O.A. diary. It's great to see some real life examples of how to apply the Law of Attraction so you can be "lucky" like her.

Life Made to Order

Life Made to Order is an exclusively Law of Attraction blog all about manifesting. The creator, Kelli, likes to explore some uncovered Law of Attraction topics like possible manifesting addictions, jealousy of other peoples manifestations, and how to know if you're doing it wrong... I love this about her approach. She's not afraid to talk about what everyone is thinking, but nobody is talking about. You can read the content or listen to it on the podcast which is also great!


That's it for now folks! Would love to hear some of your favorite places you visit online to learn about the Law of Attraction in the comments! Also, be sure to download my free manifesting worksheet to jumpstart your magic!


Ready to manifest more money, Honey? Get my FREE Money Magnetics Guided Meditation below!