3 Questions That Will Help You Squeeze the Juice out of Life

Squeezing all the juice out of life is a craft that I have become OBSESSED with ever since I healed myself from depression. Life is short, and I think it's meant to be enjoyed, so it's important that we deliberately and intentionally reevaluate things often in order to make sure we are really getting the most out of our experience.

The key to creating the best life for yourself is to constantly ask yourself this simple question, "How can I make my life feel (even) better?" and actually take action on the answer. To be a little more specific, I've broken down this huge question into three smaller parts...

3 Questions That Will Help You Squeeze the Juice out of Life

"How can I simplify my life?"

A simple life is a nice life. The less you have to do, worry, schedule and fuss over, the more time you have to actually Live, with a capital L! Simplicity frees up your precious time so you can do stuff like be present, enjoy the little things, and have more fun. So how can you simplify your life?

Here are some ideas of practical ways you can simplify your life RIGHT NOW to get you started.

Declutter your home. Simplify your schedule. Ditch those negative and complicated relationships. Slow down (with meditation, bubble baths, reading, whatever helps you breathe). Prioritize the important stuff that you truly value and ditch the rest. Stop people pleasing. Outsource things like your accounting or house cleaning.

"How can I subtract stress from my life?"

Stress, it's a real killer. As if destroying us physically wasn't enough, it also ruins our lives in countless other ways. So how can we get rid of it? Well, you tell me. What stresses you out? Your boss? Your finances? Your schedule? How many stressful thing can you make less stressful or completely let go of?

Here are some ideas of practical ways you can start subtracting stress from your life today.

Take up yoga. Start a meditation practice. Sleep more. Love yourself. Get organized (organize you finances, you home, your schedule, and your life). Avoid negative people. Stop sweating the small stuff, life is short. Spend more time in nature. Let life be easy. Ask for help. Give up toxic stuff. You know what helps you destress, so do more of that!

"How can I add more happiness to my life?"

Let's face it, at the end of the day we all just want the same thing, to be happy. And although happiness is a very universal concept, it's also a very personal thing. What might make one person happy may not make another happy. So that leaves the question... What makes YOU happy? How can you incorporate more of this into your life? How can you start to prioritize your happiness?

Here are some ideas of practical ways you can start adding more happiness to your life today.

Read a page of my book, “Affirmations for Happiness” every morning to start your day off right! Start a gratitude journal. Choose to be happy unconditionally. Do that one thing that you absolutely love to do (yoga, fishing, cycling, hiking, drawing...) at least once a week. Laugh more (watch comedies, hang out with funny people...). Exercise everyday to get those endorphins pumping. Do stuff other happy people do. Honestly, there are about a billion ways to do this!

Brighten each day with one page.

See for yourself why this book has 5 stars on Amazon. Grab your copy here!

You can read my suggestions all day long, but what I really recommend you do is write down these three questions in a journal entry and then free flow to answer them. Meaning, don't think too hard and spend about 5-10 minutes on each question, writing everything that naturally comes up, no matter how silly, dumb or weird it may seem at first. Then use this reflecting journal prompt as your own personal guide to a better life!

If you're the diamond in the rough who actually made it to the end of this blog post and will take my advice and journal, I'd love to see it! Snap a pic of your journaling and post it on Instagram. Be sure to tag me @kelseyaida so I can admire your work!

Happy squeezing!